Thermal Anemometry

Our Hot Wire Anemometer Systems (and Hot-Film Anemometry as well) are used for Aeronautics and Fluid Dynamics Research throughout the World, by Major Industrial Companies, Research and Educational Institutions. Our Anemometry Systems were designed for Most Professional Applications. Our Principal’s have put all of their Efforts in Designing Systems for Customers who Care about Excellent Signal to Noise Ratio, Ultra Low Temperature Drift and Versatility to any type of Hot-Wire Probe or Hot-Film Probe, regardless of their Manufacturers. Our Anemometers also Work with very Complex Vorticity Probes with or Without Common Ground Conductor. All of our Anemometers also Work with SenFlex® Probe Arrays made by Tao Systems Inc.

Each of Our Models is designed for a Different Application and System Setup. The AN - 1003 is Most Suitable for Aeronautics Laboratories, where the Data Acquisition System and Software already Exists and Only the Analog Interface is Needed. It Offers Compatibility to any Existing Data Acquisition System while Maintaining Excellent Performance and Signal Quality.

The AN - 1005 is a Small Compact System, with Built-in Data Acquisition System. This Low Cost System was Mainly designed for Application where upto 4 Channels can be used and Price / Space are Important, like Educational Applications as well as Small Research Applications or Verification of PIV Measurements.

The AN - 2000 is a Fully Automated Remote System. This Multi-Channel System was designed for Applications where the Whole Measurement and Calibration Process, as well as the Data Acquisition must be Automated. The AN - 2000 Hot Wire Anemometer can Output Linearized Data at Extremely High Throughput Rates, making this System Ideal for Flow Control Applications. The Systems also Offers Many Unique Features as Sine Wave Response Real-time Analyzer, Built-in Digital Oscilloscope and Calibrated Low-pass Filters with the Same Phase Response (and Delay) on All Channels.

  1. Comparison Table:

Product Model

Number of Channels

CCA Option

Bridge Ratios

Analog Outputs

Computer Interface


Sampling Rate

Optical Isolation

AN - 1002

Upto 2



T.O.B & Amplifier Output

External A2D Card

Low-Pass x 12 Freq.


Use External Isolation
AN - 1003

Upto 10



T.O.B & Amplifier Output

External A2D Card

Low-Pass x 12 Freq.


Use External Isolation
AN - 1005

Upto 4



T.O.B & Amplifier Output

USB-2 / Parallel

Low-Pass x 12 Freq.

Upto 1MHz for all Channels


AN - 2000

Upto 16



T.O.B & Amplifier Output

USB-2 & DRV11 & RS-232

Low-Pass x 512 Freq.

Upto 500kHz per Channel


All of Our Hot Wire Anemometry Systems can be Calibrated Using our CAL - 2000 Digital Air-Speed Calibrator. The CAL - 2000 is a Stand Alone System Capable of Producing Air Velocity from 1-70m/Sec.

All Specifications are subject to change without a Prior Notice

For any sort of clarifications kindly contact: